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    We rate nonprofits on their impact — how much good a nonprofit achieves per dollar of cost — so you can give confidently.

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    Our mission is to guide donors to high-impact nonprofits by producing ratings of cost-effectiveness at scale.


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    Find some of the best nonprofits in your city, so you can give locally with confidence.

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    Our top-rated nonprofits by cause. Support the issues that matter to you.

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    All nonprofits earning a high rating from ImpactMatters

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    We rate nonprofits based on their cost-effectiveness using a combination of nonprofit data and social science. We believe strongly in transparency. If you want to dive into our methods, start with our Impact Rating Standard.

    Rating Process Read More

    Step 1
    Data search

    We search websites, GuideStar and other public databases for a set of data points needed to calculate impact, such as the number of meals served.

    Step 2

    For each type of program — soup kitchen, scholarships, etc. — we build an equation to calculate impact. This equation combines data from the nonprofit (e.g., number of scholarships awarded) with social science research (e.g., effect of a scholarship on future earnings). We calculate the equation for each nonprofit.

    Step 3

    We then issue a star rating. To do so, we compare the nonprofit’s impact to common benchmarks. If a nonprofit is significantly better than the benchmark, we determine it is highly cost-effective and assign 5 stars. A high rating indicates that the nonprofit is making good use of resources to improve the lives of the people it serves.

    Rating is a complex and inherently imperfect exercise and we urge you to read our frequently asked questions and Impact Rating Standard for details of how and why we issue these ratings.

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